How to incorporate Weight Training and MMA training

MMA and Weight Training

Weight training is very important in all kinds of sports because it maximizes athlete’s performance, likewise in MMA. In MMA, power, endurance, and explosiveness is very vital for fighter to win fights.

If you are into weight training and want to cross over to MMA you have an advantage because your muscles are already accustomed and adopted from strenuous activity. On the other hand, if you had started training MMA, and you want to improve your power and strength, weight training is the best option for you to reach your full potential.

How will you incorporate these two? For those who are into weight training, continue with what you are doing but try to balance your time and alternatively shift training. For example, if you are working out in the gym five days, a week, minimize it into three days. Prioritize three days for working-out and the remaining two days for mma training or vice versa.

On the first few days in training for MMA, you will notice that it is hard for you to catch up on the drills especially in boxing or muay thai. Training with mitts at first, will catch you off timing and balance. This is normal because your brain is not yet accustomed with it, but as you go along you will eventually get the rhythm and timing that you want. Just continue training MMA and as you progress through you will notice that you are developing power and speed because you will learn balance and proper form.

On the other hand, MMA practitioners who want to do weight training to maximize muscle performance will need little adjustment. If you have been training MMA for months already, you surely have the cardio, the endurance and strength, and doing weight training is easy for you. This is just like a polishing or the finishing touches. 

Make some adjustment on your schedule and try to balance your time, and you will be fine. This will tremendously increase your performance; you will see how powerful you would become when you train on your heavy bag on the mitts.

If you combine these two, you will become lethal. MMA training and weight training is a sure-fire formula for you to become a force to be reckoned with.


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