Home Boxing Workouts and Tips

Home boxing workouts that you could try

Boxing workouts are great tool to get fit, buffed, and to be healthy. However, there are still people who prefer gym workout than boxing  workouts. Many people don’t know that home boxing workouts are great alternatives and even more effective to lose weight compared to gym work out there and I have seen many people who have weight problems shred their weight easily and fast with the help of boxing workouts.

To give you idea, here are the top home boxing workouts and drills that you can try if you are serious to lose weight.

Bag work routines

This boxing workout will surely needs a lot of cardio. Punching without any punching bags alone will surely tire you much more with a heavy bag. This workout will tremendously require you lots of energy especially if you are throwing power punches and giving all you got.

Frequent boxing training on punching bags will definitely shape up your arms and upper body. Throwing light punching combinations alone will tire your arms. This only means that it is working effectively and the best part of it is that it will not swell your muscles like if you are lifting some weight in the gym.

This workout is also best for women because this will not bulk their arms but will only shred flabs and will shape up their arms. Personally, it is pretty awkward to see women have bulky arms like guys do and this boxing training workout is perfect for them.

In addition, bag work as a boxing workout is an amazing stress buster especially if you have angst on someone. You will feel good after doing punching drills on the bags and you will feel great. This is very addictive because doing bag work when you are stress will make you a somewhat a psychological high.


What is good about these home boxing workouts exercises is that you don’t need any equipment to perform these drills. You can do it anywhere in your home and even in your room. Calisthenics is widely used in sports and even in military training.

Some common calisthenics are push ups, leg raises, sit-up and other simple exercises that are being incorporated in boxing training and other sports. Actually there are a lot of exercises that don’t require you to go to the gym and they are even free. Furthermore, there are a lot of resources that you can use to get fit in your homes.

You don’t really need to spend money to get a gym membership to be healthy. If you are just resourceful you could get some home boxing workouts programs and do it during your spare time. You will not only get fit but you will same save some dough as well.

Skipping ropes and running

Skipping and running are the most practical boxing workouts available and very effective as well in increasing your cardio, endurance, toning your lower body and burning extra calories. These are cheap drills that you can do anytime you want but it really needs a lot of motivation from you. One worst enemy of people in getting fit and healthy is laziness. If you are not well motivated enough even there are free workout programs, they are all useless.

No doubt about it, home boxing workouts is one of the most effective tools to lose extra pounds. I believe it is more effective and free. Motivation is the only key for you to achieve your desired weight. Just try these simple boxing workouts drills and you would feel better after doing it for the first time.


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