Home Boxing Workouts that You Can Try

Boxing has been there for such a long time as a sport and today it not just as a fun sport to watch and to follow but a great alternative to get fit and healthy. Nowadays, boxing is becoming a popular tool for exercise and boxing gyms are now growing in business. However, for some people finding time to enroll for a boxing class is quite impossible.

One good solution for busy people who want to use boxing for fitness and to get healthy is to do home boxing workouts. These are drills and exercises that boxers use in their training. These workouts are so effective in burning fats, increasing your cardio, and muscle toning. To give you idea what part of the boxing training that you can use for boxing workouts, I'll give the list of the basics that you can use immediately.

Skipping Rope

Skipping rope is one of the boxing drill that are very practical yet the hardest to do. If you are not used to it, it will take you some time to learn. Skipping is very effective in your cardio improvement, burning your fats and toning your lower body specifically your legs, thighs and gluts.


In boxing or in other sports, running has been essential to improve cardio, leg power and endurance to athletes. If you want to lose weight fast, do running at least 15 minutes 3 times a day and you will see great results. It is also a great stress buster. If you make it a habit to run, you are in the right path to great health.

Shadow Boxing

Shadow boxing is a boxing drill that is use to develop combinations, balance, footwork, and proper form. If you utilize this as part of your boxing workout, this will improve your cardio, tone your arms and will improve your hand and feet coordination as well.

Bag Work Routines

Boxer's use bag works to improve their hand speed and power. If you have heavy bags in your home, punching your heart out on the bag will bust your stress, tone your arms and will also increase your cardio. Just buy a good pair of boxing gloves and a heavy bag.


Calisthenics are basic exercises that are also used in the marines. They are very practical and you can do it without any equipment. The popular calisthenics that you can do at home are push-ups, leg raises, sit-ups, and other basic exercises particularly that will develop your muscles.

These are just some of the boxing drills that you can use as your home boxing workouts. It is very practical and cheap. All you need to be is to be motivated enough to do all of these. If you really want to get fit and be healthy, try home boxing workouts.


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